Lee Miller (5)
M. E. Grand High Priest

Dave Reitan (6)
R. E. Grand King

Jaymie Vaughn (2)
R. E. Grand Scribe

Thomas M. Thompson (2)
R. E. Grand Treasurer
Jerry Fenimore (1/2/4) .
E. Grand Treas Emeritus

Grover L Sardeson (2)
R. E. Grand Secretary

Greg Foster (24)
Grand Chaplain

Joe Surek (6/3)
Grand Lecturer



Jeffrey Bush (24)
Grand Capt. of the Host

Cleat Young (26)
Grand Principal Sojourner

Greg Harris (8)
Grand Royal Arch Captain

T. Micheal Tims (5)
Grand Master 3 rd Veil
Shane Hoskins (26)
Grand Master 2 nd Veil
Diego Rodriguez (6)
Grand Master 1 st Veil

Michael Mabbitt (6)
Grand Sentinel

Robert C. Trezise (10) Grand Musician