Grant Sanders (2) Alabama
Richard N. Brown, MEPGHP (2/39) Alaska
Michael L. McMillan (12) Arizona
Richard P. Mitchell (57) Arkansas
Burney W. Brandel (42) California
Alan DeGeorge (8) Connecticut
Aaron Heizer (8) Delaware
Michael E. Hessel, MEPGHP (42) Dist. of Columbia
Robert W. Gregory (11) Florida
H. Jack Ward (16) Georgia
Bruce E. Lawrence (2) Hawaii
Alan DeGeorge (8) Idaho
Jerry R. Rice (5) Illinois
Ronald D. Garrett, MEPGHP (17) Indiana
Leon E. Sonksen, MEPGHP (3) Iowa
Jason Spigner (42) Kansas
Dexter D. Koons (12) Kentucky
Calvin O. Lapuyade (57) Louisiana
Peter D. DuMont, MEPGHP (15) Maine
David L. Reynolds (6) Maryland
Cecil Souders (47) Massachusetts
Jack D. White (8) Michigan
Harry A. Peterson, MEPGHP (47) Minnesota
Richard S. Carnett (24) Mississippi
Joe W. Summers (5) Missouri
M. Scott Wilson, MEGHP (38) Montana
Alan DeGeorge (8) Nebraska
Aaron Heizer (8) Nevada
Vacant New Hampshire
Dexter D. Koons (12) New Jersey
Vacant New Mexico
George S. Cann (6) New York
Dean S. Hopkins (6) North Carolina
Burney W. Brandel (42) North Dakota
Dwight W. Wilson (4) Ohio
Jason Spigner (42) Oklahoma
George A. McCollum, Jr. (10) Oregon
Leon E. Sonksen, MEPGHP (3) Pennsylvania
Burney W. Brandel (42) Rhode Island
Ross A. Allen (38) South Carolina
Wilson C. Moulton (6) South Dakota
Mark W. Ralston (42) Tennessee
Gilbert W. Carlton (29) Texas
James F. Norris (5) Utah
Jon A. Wilkinson, MEPGHP (11) Vermont
Michael L. McMillan (12) Virginia
Greg Harris () Washington
Bruce J. Lawlor (29/8)… West Virginia
Vacant… Wisconsin
Jon A. Wilkinson, MEPGHP (11) Wyoming

Vacant Argentina
Steven L. Mudd (14)… Austria
Michael D. Rowen (42) Belgium
Dexter D. Koons (12) Brazil
Robert W. Gregory (11)… Cypress
Vacant Estonia
Ronald D. Garrett, MEPGHP (17) Finland
Thomas G. Frerichs (42) France
John Davis (5) Greece
Gregory M. Allen (38) India
Vacant Ireland
Leon E. Sonksen, MEPGHP (3) Israel
Peter D. DuMont, MEPGHP (15) Italy
Greg Harris (8) Japan
Michael P. Rowan (42) Mexico US
Michael P. Rowan (42) Mexico GC
Robert D. Elsloo (5) Netherlands
Larry E. George (8)… New South Wales &
Australian Cap. Territory
M. Scott Wilson New Zealand
Gerald R. (Jerry) Dodd (57) Panama
Kevin Hintz (17) Paraguay
Richard P. Mitchell (57) Portugal
Lyle A. Wilkes (39) Republic of Philippines
Charles M. Baum (8) Queensland
Roy A. Snyder (42) Romania
Joe E. Kier, MEPGHP (42) Scotland
Michael M. McMillan (12) South Australia
Michael P. Rowan (42) Spain
Wayne G. Arner (42) Switzerland
Vacant Togo, Africa
Vacant Venezuela
James E. Erickson, MEPGHP (38) Victoria
Larry Childs (2) Western Australia

M. Scott Wilson, MEPGHP (38) Alberta
James E. Erickson, MEPGHP (38) British Columbia
& Yukon
Vacant Ontario
Charles M. Baum (8) Manitoba
Rodney W. Johnson, MEPGHP (16) New Brunswick
Michael Joines (14) Newfoundland & Labrador
Vacant Nova Scotia
Peter D. DuMont, MEPGHP (15) Quebec
George S. Cann (6) Saskatchewan